Enjoy this short quiz on facts from the Book of Genesis and then go read through it again for yourself!
1. Fill in the blank: "And God said, 'Let there be light, and there was ____.'"
a. darkness b. the creation
c. the sun d. light
2. Ending each day's description of creation, which came first? "And there ____, and there was ____ - the first day [the second day, etc.]."
a. morning b. evening
3. Fill in the blank: "And God said, 'Let us make man in our ____, in our likeness.'"
a. image b. being
c. figure d. understanding
4. On which day did God finish His work and rest?
a. first day b. third day
c. sixth day d. seventh day
5. Which Garden did God place man after his creation?
a. Gethsemane b. Cush
c. Eden d. Canaan
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Creation of the Animal Kingdom (Orthodox Icon) |
a. rib b. heart
c. ear d. brain
7. From which tree in the Garden did Adam & Eve eat the fruit, disobeying the command of God their Creator?
a. Tree of Life
b. Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil
c. Tree of Salvation
d. Tree of Damnation
8. Adam & Eve had two sons, Cain & Abel. Cain killed Abel. Eve gave birth to a third son, saying, "God has granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him." What was her third son's name?
a. Abel b. Adam
c. Seth d. Lamech
9. Who is the father of Shem, Ham & Japheth? Hint: He liked to hang out with a lot of animals!
a. Cain b. Isaac
c. Adam d. Noah
10. What sign does God give to Noah as an everlasting remembrance of their covenant?
a. circumcision b. rainbow
c. an altar for sacrifice d. Jacob's ladder
11. Who is “translated”
into heaven, whom didn’t “taste death?” He was well-pleasing to God.
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Noah's Ark (Orthodox Icon) |
a. Enoch b. Adam
c. Noah
d. Abraham
12. What is the
name of the mountain that the ark that Noah built to survive the great flood
landed upon after the waters had receded?a. Sinai b. Ararat
c. Carmel
d. Lebanon
13. How did
Sarah (wife of Abraham) react when the Angel of the Lord told them that she
would bear a child (during the biblical story of the Hospitality of Abraham)?a. She wept b. She got angry
c. She laughed d. She clapped her hands
14. What two
cities did God destroy due to their unrighteous ways?a. Hebron & Ur b. Babel & Haran
c. Shechem & Beersheba d. Sodom & Gomorrah
15. What is the
sign of the covenant between Abraham & God? The covenant being that Abraham
and his descendants will be the people of God, and He will be their God.a. circumcision b. rainbow
c. an altar for sacrifice d.
Jacob's ladder
The Answer Key is below, please highlight to view:
1 D 6 A 11 A
2 B 7 B 12 B
3 A 8 C 13 C
4 D 9 D 14 D
5 C 10 B 15 A
- A Day in the Life of the Youth Director
The Answer Key is below, please highlight to view:
1 D 6 A 11 A
2 B 7 B 12 B
3 A 8 C 13 C
4 D 9 D 14 D
5 C 10 B 15 A
- A Day in the Life of the Youth Director
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